Frequently asked questions below
Q: Once I've purchased, where do i receive my products?
A: As soon as you make a purchase on our website, your browser automatically redirects you to the order completion page. On the right side of your screen, it will display your products. You can always check your email because we also send all information there if you are not redirected.
Q: How to download my tool?
A: To download your tool, head over to our loader section on the guide and download it, you may need to turn off your antivirus to download the software since its a "cheat" which are flagged with false-positive virus alerts. Alternatively you can type !install in our discord server and receive the download.
Q: How do i get a HWID Reset?
A: To receive a HWID Reset you will need to join the discord server and create a ticket, after creating a ticket type your key, OrderID, Product Name and you will then need to wait for a response. Support will get to you shortly after completing.
Q: Can i get banned for using these products?
A: Like all other cheats, yes you can, While getting banned is a possibility, we use all of our resources to take precautions to avoid it from happening. You shouldn't be banned because our products are undetectable as long as they are not abused. Sidenote: You can purchase our spoofer to never receive a in-game ban.
Last updated